
The Notifications module allows you to configure Jenkins to notify other applications about various build phases. It requires the Jenkins notification plugin.

Component: notifications


Entry Point:


class notifications.Notifications(registry)
component_list_type = 'notifications'

The component list type will be used to look up possible implementations of the component type via entry points (entry points provide a list of components, so it should be plural). Set both component_type and component_list_type to None if module doesn’t have components.

component_type = 'notification'

The component type for components of this module. This will be used to look for macros (they are defined singularly, and should not be plural). Set both component_type and component_list_type to None if module doesn’t have components.

gen_xml(xml_parent, data)

Update the XML element tree based on YAML data. Override this method to add elements to the XML output. Create new Element objects and add them to the xml_parent. The YAML data structure must not be modified.

:arg class:xml.etree.ElementTree xml_parent: the parent XML element :arg dict data: the YAML data structure

sequence = 22

The sequence number for the module. Modules are invoked in the order of their sequence number in order to produce consistently ordered XML output.


Defines an HTTP notification endpoint.

Requires the Jenkins Notification Plugin.

  • format (str) – notification payload format, JSON (default) or XML

  • event (str) – job events that trigger notifications: started, completed, finalized or all (default)

  • url (str) – URL of the endpoint

  • timeout (int) – Timeout in milliseconds for sending notification request (30 seconds by default)

  • retries (int) – Nr of times to retry sending notification in case sending notification fails. (0 by default)

  • log (int) – Number lines of log messages to send (0 by default). Use -1 for all (use with caution).


  - http:
      format: xml
      event: completed
      timeout: 40000
      log: -1
      retries: 5